
Eval using the lexical environment in LispWorks

One of the things that surprised me when I learned Common Lisp was that eval happens in the nil lexical environment1. This means that none of the lexical variables, functions or macros surrounding the eval are available within the evaluated form.

Take this example:

(let ((x 4))
  (eval '(+ x 2)))
Error: The variable X is unbound.

The reason why that surprised me is that one of the first things that I tried when I learned about lisp symbolic capabilities was to build a symbolic differentiator. You'd give it a function, it would symbolically compute the derivative using the chain rule and then evaluate it. I built a very basic one with only a couple of rules to test the idea and it seemed to work, the problem was when I wanted to evaluate the resulting form.

What I attempted was something like this:

(defun dx (func x)
  (let ((derivative (differentiate func :over 'x)))
    (eval derivative)))

If you try this of course you'll face the same issue we found above. Error: The variable X is unbound. I was confused, I thought symbolic computation WAS the point of Lisp. At that point I learned about the dynamic vs lexical environment and I started making sense of what I was seeing, but I was frustrated and it seemed that what I wanted to do was impossible.

Indeed, you could do it with a macro, but then you cannot pass it arbitrary functions at runtime, everything has to be predefined.

Another option was available which was to declare x as special2, but then you needed to define some special variables, and the expressions could only use those. It would work but it was not ideal.

At that point I stopped, frustrated, and learned other parts of the language. Recently I had a need for something similar again and so I set to find a solution now that I had some more Common Lisp experience under my belt.


PROGV is a Common Lisp special form that takes three or more arguments, a list of dynamic bindings to create, a list of values to set the bindings to and any number of forms. The forms are evaluated in order with the given dynamic bindings set.

(defun test-fun ()
  (+ *x* 3))

(progv '(*x*) '(2)
=> 5

With this we can emulate a en eval in a lexical env by setting everything we have in the lexical environment as a dynamic variable inside a PROGV and then executing the eval. It will behave as if it was running on the lexenv.

This would be a good moment to see where we are going:

(let ((x 4))
  (eval-in-lexenv (+ x 2)))
=> 6

Which behind the scenes would be transformed into a PROGV form:

(progv '(x) '(4)
  (eval '(+ x 2)))

Now the problem is, eval-in-lexenv cannot modify its surroundings, macros are powerful but not THAT powerful3. We could ask the users to do something like this:

(eval-with-let (let ((x 4)) (eval '(+ x 2))))

And then build a code walker, check bindings inside, capture some bindings from outside, etc. But that is very complicated and there are probably plenty of edge cases and problems, it's far too complicated and too alien for the user to be worth it in this case.

Introspecting the lexical environment

DEFMACRO's arglist has a hidden gem that I overlooked the first time I checked the documentation. With &environment we can ask the lisp compiler to give us the lexical environment4 at the macro call site.

For example

(defmacro capture-env (&environment env)
(flet ((plus (a b) (+ a b)))
  (let ((x 4))

=> #<Environment 
       venv (#<Venv 275146972128  X>)  
	   fenv ((PLUS . #<COMPILER::FLET-INFO #<interpreted function (SUBFUNCTION (FLET PLUS) :UNKNOWN) 40200038FC>>)) 
	   benv NIL 
	   tenv NIL>

It contains variables, functions, blocks and tags in the lexical environment. But, I'm pretty sure this struct is internal and the intrface may not be stable. Re-reading the LispWorks documentation today I found this function: SYSTEM:MAP-ENVIRONMENT. With this function you can introspect everything in the lexical environment you pass as an argument. Let's write a function to get all variable names in the lexical environment for example.

(defun lexical-vars (env)
  "Given an environment object, return all lexical vars"
  (let ((vars nil))
    (system:map-environment env
     (lambda (name kind info)
       (declare (ignore info))
       (when (eq kind :lexical)
         (pushnew name vars))))

Pretty self-explanatory, ask lispworks to map over all the variables, and then we push them into a list. We filter them by :LEXICAL type because we are also given dynamic variables that have been overwritten in the current lexical scope, but we don't need to use those since they are already in the dynamic scope.

Now let's create the pièce de résistance, the eval-in-lexenv macro:

(defmacro eval-in-lexenv (&body body &environment env)
  (let ((lenv-vars (lexical-vars env)))
     `(progv ',lenv-vars (list ,@lenv-vars)
	    (eval ',(car body)))))
(let ((x 2))
  (eval-in-lexenv (+ x 2)))
=> 4

Short and sweet, we get all the lexical variables, then we pass them both as names and values to PROGV. As names we pass them quoted, so we get bind the same symbols we have of lexical vars as dynamic variables, for values we pass them unquoted inside of a (LIST ...) so they get evaluated and capture the values from the surrounding lexical env, thus setting the dynamic variables to the same values.

There you go, a way to eval in the lexical environment in about 14 lines of easy to understand common lisp code. This code is LispWorks exclusive tho, but I'm sure there are ways to do it in SBCL, since &environment works there as well. I may add it in the future if someone sends me a solution that works in SBCL.


This implementation doesn't allow using functions and macros from the lexical env (as defined by MACROLET or FLET) although there are ways around it, like binding the function to a variable and using FUNCALL or APPLY inside the eval.

(let ((fn (lambda (a b) (+ a b))))
   (eval-in-lexenv (funcall fn 3 4)))
; => 7

Another thing is that this macro depends on being called at the lexical environment you want to evaluate it.

If you try to call this macro from within the body of a macro function you'll be capturing the call environment inside the macro. Of course if you use it as part of the unevaluated returned form of the macro everything will work as expected, since that will be evaluated in the correct lexical environment.

The End


The nil lexical environment, as the name says has no bindings at all


Special and dynamic variables are the same thing, special variables are variables bound in the dynamic environment


Recently I learned about a term rewriting lisp, which could actually do things like this potentially. I think that particular version is not quite powerful enough for this, but there is no reason it couldn't I think.


I think it's not only the lexical environment, but the general environment that overlays the dynamic environment, it also contains special variables overriden in the current lexical environment for example.